We did not discuss this in class -- I totally forgot.
We cannot meet at HRMS. But we could meet elsewhere. .. like MY HOUSE comes to mind. (Full disclosure: I live 10-15 minutes from the Middle School, on the West Side near Oak Grove, in case that presents a problem for anyone....)
As I said in class I feel no obligated deference toward's President's Day and am happy to meet that evening. But if you feel differently ( or have made other plans) I am completely willing to push our next meeting back a week. My only quibble is that it feels like we just got starte-- but I'd much rather we skip a week then have some people NOT able to attend.
So please, CHIME IN, oh Play Readers. What is your will?
I don't mind attending Monday & agree it would be good to continue the flow of classes ~ Sandy
ReplyDeleteI'd prefer we met on Monday. I now it's a rare 4 day weekend from school so I'd understand people who'd want to push it back a week.
ReplyDeleteWhile I'd love to meet on Monday, I follow the flow of the school district schedule... And made plans long ago to fly east to see my new little nephew. I sooooo can't wait to see him. So either I miss our next class and/or I look forward to seeing everyone the following Monday, Feb. 23.
ReplyDeleteTill next...
I can make it Monday.
I can make it tomorrow, Monday.
I can do Monday.
ReplyDeletei can do monday night, so are we doing it or not